Heart Friendship Bracelet Pattern & Tutorial
So our friendship bracelet kit has turned out to be one of our most popular products of 2022, so we thought we'd give you a little Galentines/Valentines treat and share an extra design that you could make for a friend or loved one this February! I think this design might be the reason I wanted to make a friendship bracelet kit, I mean it's just so cute!

So many have said you remember making friendship bracelets when you were younger, but I like to think we've stepped up the sophistication with our choice of colours and interesting designs. The kit has 6 designs that are graded in difficulty to super easy up to quite fancy, but they are all really doable especially if you do the easiest ones first and take it step by step.

Anyway here is your chance to have a go and see how relaxing and calming it is to do, and satisfying when you make a cute bracelet to wear or gift from a few strands of embroidery thread! Find all the instructions here on how to make this heart friendship bracelet. And let me know how you get on?!