
If you are a business interested in stocking Cotton Clara in your store, we would love to hear from you. The fastest and best way to obtain a wholesale account is to fill out and complete our stockist application form.

We accept applications from both brick and mortar businesses and E-commerce sites. If you have a general question (aside from application), please send an email to, thanks! 

Stockist Application


Are there restrictions for stockists?

Businesses planning to sell online should only sell via their website. Our products cannot be sold on other sites, such as Amazon, eBay or Etsy, without strict permission from Cotton Clara. All products sold online should also match our RRP. 

Catalogues & Price Lists 

You can download a digital copy of our catalogue by clicking this link.

Price lists available on request.  


Order Process 

Ordering with us has been simplified to put you in control of your order. All orders are now processed through this site; however, email with any ordering issues or queries. 

Once your order is received, our warehouse will process your order and typically dispatch it within 3-5 working days. Please note, at peak seasonal times this lead time may vary. 

We understand that occasionally you may wish to add or change your order after it has been placed and, where possible, we will try to accommodate this.

Minimum Orders & Shipping Costs 

Our minimum order is £150 (ex VAT). For all orders a sales invoice will be issued after the order is received. 

Shipping is £15 and free for all orders over £300.

If your order is over £2000 we will contact you with a shipping quote. 

Returns & Discrepancies

We do not offer a dropship, sale or return service. Please report any discrepancies or damaged-in-transit goods within 14 days of receiving your order