Halloween Advent Calendar

I'm loving the Autumn so much at the moment, enjoying this cold and sunny weather while it lasts! So I was inspired by Emily Quinton on stories who talked about a Halloween advent she was going to do. I feel like I want to make sure we're keeping positive during these difficult times, and starting new traditions that kind of replace some the things we won't be able to do this year. And my children LOVE halloween and have been talking about it for about a month already so this seemed like a cool idea!

Emily was inspired by a blog on A Beautiful Mess here where Elsie had made a felt advent calendar for her children, see below. So cute!

We don't have much spare wall space so I want to do something on our fireplace. I'm thinking lots of different patterned paper bags with numbers on, and these stitched boxes here which we sell. They are designed as Christmas advent boxes but I'm going to use some for my Halloween advent and some for Christmas, and mix other things in. They are really easy to stitch with normal embroidery thread, I'll try and add a chart here for some cross stitch numbers but you could just have a look on Pinterest there's loads of charts on there! 

Inside each bag or box I'll put a little treat (excuse to buy all the nice Halloween chocolate in M & S) and an activity. Some of the things I thought I could put in are:

  • Go and collect conkers and have a conker fight
  • Make Apple Pie
  • Watch Harry Potter Movie
  • Make hama bead pumpkins
  • Make ghost tassels
  • Go pumpkin picking
  • Carve Pumpkins
  • Decorate the windows with spiders
  • Have a lounge disco to spooky tunes
  • Toast marshmallows in the woods with friends
  • Read a (not scary) spooky story
  • Face painting after school one day

I'll keep you posted on my progress! Tell me about our Halloween/Autumn traditions!