Book Review: The Way of Integrity, Martha Beck

I chose the book The Way of Integrity to be the first Cotton Clara Book Club book after seeing an interview between Martha and Marie Forleo. The title of the book just hooked me in, as I've been SO much happier since I took the leap and starting doing what knew I was created to do. If you don't want to read to the end and you just want to know whether I enjoyed the book or not, then it's a bit yes from me. I loved it. It wasn't what I was expecting it to be but it was a real tonic to read.

I was expecting the kind of self help book I've read loads of before, quite surface level but some useful insights. But no. this is not that book. This book goes deep. Martha leads you through a description of how we can get lost in life, and become misaligned. We follow what culture or society tells us are the right paths, but are misaligned with our own true self. She then goes through loads of practical exercises so help you find alignment and happiness again.

I think you can read this in two ways, you can really go deep into it, and take time to stop and do the exercises or like me you can read it for the wisdom, and the experience of Martha's story and journey and gain really valuable insights into how to live truthfully and with integrity. I have to admit I was just loving reading it, and as I don't feel particularly stuck at the moment, I skipped over alot of the exercises. But I still learnt loads and every time I opened the book to read at night it felt like settling down with a wise friend, it honestly felt like a warm encouraging hug reading it.

Martha talks a lot about how we can find ourselves stuck when we ignore our own integrity, what we know is true for us. She talks about society and culture holding up false ideals that cause us to stray away from our true path. There's a really interesting chapter on lying and how we all have learnt to lie, to please people, and conform. It really opened my eyes to how truthful I am with how I really feel or what I really think. I think it's linked for me to assertiveness, confidence and people pleasing?

There are loads of practical tips in this book to help you live in truth, and alignment and ultimately in more happiness, and Martha is a really funny writer and storyteller. She manages to deliver deep truths and also really make you laugh.

I wrote a really long blog post before this with a few more bits that I loved about the book and then I lost it! So I'll keep it short this time. I would really recommend this book if you're feeling stuck or like you're not living life to it's fullest. It would be a great one to take on a solo weekend away, to really get into and do some of the exercises.

Carrying on with this theme, the next book club read is going to be Untamed by Glennon Doyle. After reading the first few chapters and hearing people talk about this book it feels like a really connected book to move onto from Martha's. More truth telling and living life in freedom! Can't wait. Let me know if you've read it, or if you're going to read it with us!