Cotton Clara Book Club

You might have picked up that i love a good book, particularly a personal development book! I always get loads of interaction from you when I talk about books so I thought that starting a book club might be a good idea?! Then we can read together and talk about it and learn together?

As is typical for me, I've not quite worked out how this will work yet, I'm thinking some Instagram Lives, maybe a Zoom call? And I'll blog and post about it. So for the month of May, let's read Martha Beck The Way of Integrity . I've heard lots about it, and started reading it and it's right up my street.

It's about how happiness is so connected to what we are doing and filling our lives with and whether that is something that comes from our deepest desires and passions. It's a really practical book, with lots of worksheets to go through, and I think there's something for everyone in there for how to live a happy purposeful life.

I just love filling my mind with positive words and people, and that's the power of books for me. We can benefit from the wisdom of Martha from the comfort of our sofa, wow. I also think this is a key time for us, for healing and growing as we come out of the pandemic. It's been exhausting and it's taken it's toll on lots of us, so what better time to slow down and invest in your happiness by reading something like this?

So I hope you join me, we'll probably loosely look at a book a month - I've already got a pile waiting to go!