A manual for life....

You may remember I went to New York last September, to make a pilgrimage to see Marie Forleo, one of my favourite inspirational speaker/entrepreneur/authors. We went to the launch of her new book ‘Everything is Figureoutable’ and it didn’t disappoint, it was a loud, motivating, high energy couple of hours that I loved, even though we hadn’t slept for 24 hours!

With my feet firmly back on the ground, 6 months later the book is still at my bedside and I’ve picked it up most weeks since then. I wanted to do a review of the book because it and Marie have helped me so much in my business journey, I wanted to share that love! I’ve been chatting to one of my best friends recently about her starting out on a dream she has and every week we chat, I think I refer to Marie, either her TV show back catalogue which made me realise this is REALLY

GOOD STUFF! Maries advice and wisdom and philosophy on life is what I naturally refer back to again and again!

So this book hasn’t taken me 6 months to read, but the way I’ve been using it is to dip in and out of it, and take inspiration from each of the chapters. That’s not how it’s intended to be used, as it’s written to take you through the seed of an idea or a dream (could be anything, healing a relationship, getting healthy, starting a business) and help you realise this dream. It takes you through defining your dream, getting focussed, overcoming obstacles to name a few and all in a workbook type way... there are questions to answer and consider. It’s perfect if you have an idea but you just don’t know were to start or your paralysed by fear.

So I’d summarise that you can use this brilliant book in at least two ways. For me, I’m keeping it by my bedside and dipping into it for inspiration and encouragement when I need it (there are loads of great stories of people who have figured out their dreams) I’d go so far to say that it’s a great manual for life! Marie’s philosophy is so positive and bold, it just never fails to give me that boost I need!

And secondly, if like my dear friend you are at the start of a dream, whatever that might be, GET THIS BOOK!!!!! It will walk alongside you, help you navigate the dear, the bewilderment, the doubt and the obstacles that are all part of the process. You’ll scribble in it, read it again and again, like I’m going to do I’m sure and it will keep you focussed on the path to figuring out those dreams.

Find it here and let me know how you get on!